Monday, January 20, 2014

No Snakes, No Ticks & No Chiggers

The recent full moon has made me feel a bit nostalgic.  Friends and I were talking recently about how much we miss warmer weather but what a treat it is to hike during the winter months.  Especially at night.

When I was in high school, my buddies and I would often schedule winter hikes around the full moon.  It’s still one of my favorite times to get outdoors.  For me, it’s like no other time in the forest.  For instance, here at Reflection Riding the brightness of the full moon creeps across the top of Lookout Mountain blanketing the valley with light and shadow. Ever so gently, each tree is highlighted by the moonlight as if hand dipped by Mother Nature herself.  Pardon the pun, but I do seem to be waxing on a bit too much.

So what’s so special about the forest on nights like this? I think it’s the incredible day like visibility combined with the stillness of the night. On nights like this, I often step out the back door and head across Reflection Riding.  My favorite destination is Lookout Creek. 

As I walk past the Upper Pond my trailing shadow dips briefly beneath the water’s edge. Within a few more steps I’m quickly reminded that I’m not alone. This is a nature preserve and I’m always being watched.  By the time I reach the Buffalo Field, I notice movement along the forest’s edge. Deer and a variety of furry four legged critters stand their ground as I walk just a few feet away. With their eyes locked on my direction of travel, curiosity seems to overpower their instinct to flee.

When I reach the creek, beavers dining on privet cruise the shoreline within arm’s reach. Their stealth like movements create a simple wake which eventually erupts with a thunderous clap. The alarm has sounded. A harmless reminder that the night is their domain and I am merely a spectator. Mere seconds pass and the silence returns. The full moon is now high in the sky. With each breath I take I’m reminded that the temperature is still dropping. Time to head back to the caretaker’s cabin.

If you too enjoy the lure of hiking at night, layer up and put on your hat and gloves. Get outside and let me know about your favorite winter night’s destination.  I think you too will agree, with the full moon as your guide, it’s no longer just another hike. It’s an adventure! 

And best of all, there aren’t any snakes, ticks, or chiggers.  

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